Archive for July, 2007

Poor Whale

Ouch! I don’t pay much attention to whales, but man, that must have hurt… A LOT!!! It can only be estimated that the ship that collided with this whale must have suffered great damage, as did the whale’s tongue. My prediction is that the whale died from its tongue swelling…


Re: In the Pursuit of Happyness

I re-watched the movie a few days ago and realized that at the end of the movie, when Will Smith (Chris Gardner) gets the job, he mentions that it was at that very moment in his life when he felt “happiness”.

Well, it is seen and observed, not only in the movie, but also in everyday life, that we are always in the pursuit of happiness, but it is hard to maintain it. We are moreover, always in the pursuit of finding and maintaining happiness… finding happiness is achievable, but only after a heck of a lot of persistence and maintaining it is even harder! I feel that humans are always unsatisfied, but that issue requires a whole new post!